Join the Board of Directors

Click here for 2025 Director Nomination Package
Nomination period begins on January 10, 2025.
Deadline for nominations is January 31,2025.
Directors reflect the community they serve. You could play an integral role in shaping the future direction of your credit union.
At Souris credit union, we understand the important role that young people play in our community. That's why we want to provide young adults with the same options and opportunities as everyone else. If you are a highly motivated young adult who is looking for success and willing to volunteer, we would love for you to consider serving on our Board of Directors, which meets once a month to make important decisions for your credit union. If you're unsure about the benefits of such a task, here are some ways that serving on the Board of Directors can serve you:
Have you ever been discouraged because you have an innovative idea that you can't put into practice? Have you ever wished you could have more responsibility and prove to your elders that young people should be taken more seriously? If so, serving on the Board of Directors at your local credit union may be for you. Even though people who have lived longer than you might have more experience, this doesn't mean that your ideas and perspective aren't valuable. At your credit union, we know that young people have innovative ideas too and that they should be taken seriously. That's why we allow any credit union member over 18 to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors. Joining a Board of Directors is an ideal way to put your ideas into practice and to become a leader in your community.
No matter what field of work you're interested in, experience is always beneficial. Experience allows you to increase the appeal of your resume and can lead to better career opportunities, whether you're still looking for a job or already have one. Serving on the Board of Directors would provide unparallel experience and access to training that would not otherwise be available. For someone interested in starting their own business or looking to land a corporate job, what better way to gain experience and knowledge of business and finance than serving on the Board of Directors for a progressive and dynamic financial institution? By serving on the board, you would also gain practical knowledge that you could use for the rest of your career and life.
Networking isn't only for people in business. Networking is essential for anyone looking to have a successful career since it can lead to great opportunities and jobs. Serving on the Board of Directors would provide the opportunity to hone your networking skills and to work with established people who also serve on the board. It would provide the unique opportunity to meet and learn from successful and knowledgeable professionals that could provide you with invaluable advice. Between the networking you would be doing and the experience you would be gaining, serving on the Board of Directors would raise your public profile. A higher public profile would allow you to create even more opportunities for yourself and to find other ways to contribute to your community.
Members working for members
Credit unions are full service financial co-operatives. Our members are our owners. Rooted in this co-operative tructure, the credit union difference is all about service – by members for members, right here in our community.
Credit unions’ profits have a higher purpose – to benefit the people they were built to serve. Any extra profits leftover at the end of the year are returned to members in the form of dividends, or donated to communities in the form of donations, scholarships and other initiatives.
The Directors of a credit union represent the communities they serve. It is important for a credit union to have a strong board consisting of a diverse group of people.
If you share our belief that financial institutions best serve the people who use them and their communities, then you can make a real contribution; you can help your community thrive.
Make a difference in your credit union as a Director
As policy makers, Directors are instrumental in effecting positive changes within the
credit union management. Directors provide a direct link and a fresh perspective helping
their credit union be more responsive to member needs.
As a Director, you are accountable to the membership, for all policies and decisions at
your credit union. You are also responsible to ensure sound management of the credit union
and to safeguard the members’ assets.
Expand your everyday personal skills
Develop your networking circle and discover more about the financial world. As a Director you will experience exceptional growth, and be able to use your new skills set in your everyday life.
Expand your skills with training
As a Director, you will be given all the training and tools needed to succeed.
Designed for credit union Board of Directors, this unqiue learning program is a roadmap to the knowledge and skills required to effectively govern the credit union. Each level includes courses focused on different aspects of governance, specifically related to co-operative deposit-taking financial institutions.
To best serve your lifestyle, courses are offered as in-class or online sessions.
Nomination process
1. Position(s) open on the Board of Directors
2. Eligible members are nominated
3. Members vote to elect the Director(s)
4. The newly elected Director(s) begin their three year term on the board
Ready to join the Board?
How many 20-somethings get to say they serve on the Board of Directors for a multi-million dollar organization? If you meet the following requirements and want the chance to be one of the elite few, email us to find out more about how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity. Create a lasting impact on your community as a member of the Board of Directors. The credit union would benefit from your energy and expertise!
Board of Directors Eligibility Requirements
A person who is a citizen of Canada, 18 years of age or older, a member/owner of the credit union, acts as an individual owner, not on behalf of a company/organization and who satisfies the requirements set out in the by-laws of the credit union may be a Director, unless he or she:
is an employee of a credit union, credit union central or the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
is a Director of another credit union
is a professional advisor to a credit union
has a loan more than six months in arrears
has the status of bankrupt
has been convicted within the previous five years of an offence related to the qualifications and duties of a Director, including but not limited to fraud
Does this sound like like you or someone you know? If so, visit Souris Credit Union to learn more about being on the Board of Directors.